Commonly asked questions about Karate..

What age can children start Karate/Kickboxing?

As long as the child is old enough to concentrate long enough for the duration of the class. Beginner children and adults start off in the 4:30PM Class which lasts for 60 minutes. Once they have graded up to Green Belt they can then move onto the 5:30PM class which runs for 90 minutes and progress through the ranks as their knowledge, skill level increases.

Am I too old to train Karate or take a Kickboxing class?
We place no restriction on mature age students. In fact some of our most committed students over the last 30 years have started training later in life. They are often quite focused on achieving both physically in training and mentally, spiritually within themselves.

You can work at your own pace in a class that suits and advance as your become fitter, more skilled and your confidence level grows.

Will I have to fight?


People do Martial Arts for all sorts of reasons. Some want to compete in combat (Tournaments) others want to get fit and enjoy the contact aspect of the training – kicking and striking pads & bags and the confidence that it brings. We do not force anyone to compete in Kumite (Fighting) at Tournaments if they do not wish to. We do encourage class sparring as a means of testing and refining your technique. Many people feel a bit awkward at first with Kumite but soon become quite comfortable and very proficient in Kumite.

How do I pay?
Like most sporting clubs we have a Direct Debit system every month when you sign up with us. You can choose to pay by Direct Debit or Credit Card, choose the amount of classes you’d like to commit to. You can even do a mix of classes. For example – you’d love to join in 2 x Karate Classes a week and also do the session in Kickboxing on Saturday Morning… no problem that’s easy. Just select your options at signup time or talk with our Instructors to get your membership set up to suit you.
Do I have to buy the karate uniform (GI)?
When you Sign up with us you receive a Gi (karate uniform) and an Obi (white belt).
How often should I train?

As frequently as you can

We hold 4 classes every Tuesday & Thursday at the Dubbo Dojo. We hold 2 classes every Wednesday in Narromine. We also do Boxing Fitness classes on Saturday mornings doing Bag Work Focus Mitt & Pad Work & Boxing classes on Monday afternoons.

Is every class the same repetitive stuff?

Definately not!

Perfection in everything requires repetition, but that’s the same in every sport. We constantly change the format of the classes. Content will include a mix of Kata, Kicking, Punching Striking techniques, Focus Mitt, Kick & Strike Shield work, Heavy Bag work, Takedowns, Throws & Submissions, Kumite (Fighting) and Weaponry. One thing is for sure is that the classes are not boring and stagnant. Our student retention rate is very high. We think that’s a pretty good comment on the Curriculum in place.

What is Kata or Forms?
Kata is a very important training method for practicing all the techniques, stances, timing and little intricacies of actual combat technique.

Although there are similarities in some Forms or Kata, the Kata themselves are also a defining difference between Karate styles. As an example Okinawan Goju Kata will look very different to Shotokan Karate when being performed. Kata serves as a training technique or means of mastering stances, kicks, punches and strikes.

How often do you grade students?
The short answer is every 3 months for ranks up to around Brown Belt. At this point the curriculum gets more difficult. Our Gradings are structured around a set group of competencies. We would not be doing a student any favours by awarding a grade if they are not ready. In fact students are asked to grade based on their training commitment and preparedness, not on the length of time since their last grade. We sincerely believe that a grading that is not truly earned will hold little value for the Student or Club anyway.
Why do students bow at the door on entry?
When students enter the Dojo they bow at the door, to show respect for the place of training and the Karateka who may be in the room and training or preparing for the next class. Black belt students will enter after clapping three times at the door, followed by a bow. The three claps signify: Waking The Spirits, Awakening the Warrior Within and Acknowledging Our Preparedness to Train Hard! All other students in the Dojo will turn and bow. This is simply a sign of mutual respect between Karateka.
What style of karate is Te Ashi Kai Shin?

Te Ashi Kai Shin Australasian Karate is recognised as it’s own style by reputable masters within the art of Karate.

We are very proud of our Shotokan foundation, however since it’s founding the style has evolved and become recognised by Grand Master 9th Degree OHanshi Temoana Rupe Inuhaere New Zealand.

We still maintain and train Shotokan Kata and through our direct lineage to OHanshi Inuhaere we also train many Kata originating from Gosoku Ryu, Okinawan Goju Kata as well as our own Kata unique to our style.